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2019, Vol. 36,No. 4 Published:09 December 2019 Previous    Next
Updated Development of Continuous Liquid-phase Hydroprocessing Technology and Its Industrial Application in DHT Unit
Ruan Yuhong, Liu Kaixiang
2019, 36 (4):  1-5.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.001
Abstract ( 179 )  
The updated development of continuous liquid-phase hydroprecessing technology is introduced, and the main characteristics of the second-generation technology and its industrial application are analyzed. The main improvent in the second-generation technology focused on the development of up-flow reactor-separator and the optimization of the process flow and design of recycle oil system. The research and calculation results show that compared with the first-generation technology, the second-generation technology has simpler process flow, smaller plot plan, lower investment and higher intrinsic safety.
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Application of Combined Technology of Centrifugal Flash and Fiber Oil Removal in Rich Amine Treatment
Xue Nan
2019, 36 (4):  6-8.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.002
Abstract ( 194 )  
The form of rich amine with hydrocarbons and oils entrained is microbubbles, easily gasified light hydrocarbons and liquid oils. Centrifugal flash technology is used to quickly separate the microbubbles and light hydrocarbons, and fiber oil removal technology is used to deeply capture and separate the liquid oil droplets. This combined technology was implemented in a 1.4 Mt/a hydrocracking unit. The light hydrocarbons and condensed oil in the rich amine were recycled, the flashing gas volume of the flash tanks in downstream solvent regeneration unit was reduced by over 95% compared with the gas volume before modification, and the desulfurization solvent loss was reduced, meeting the current economic and environmental protection requirements of the desulfurization system in inferior crude oil processing
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Scheme of Installing Side Stripper for Hydrogenation Fractionator to Produce -35# Low Pour Point Diesel
Wu Zhenhua
2019, 36 (4):  9-11.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.003
Abstract ( 188 )  
The 1.4 Mt/a gasoline and diesel mixed hydrogenation unit at SINOPEC Tahe Refining and Chemical Co. Ltd. is located in Xinjiang. In winter, the -35# low pour point diesel was produced mainly by mixing a certain proportion of aviation kerosene and pour point depressant components into the -10# low pour point diesel, which not only wastes the aviation kerosene resources, but also may cause wax crystallization and precipitation during the storage and transportation, thus affecting the use of diesel products. Based on the research, the existing No.2 hydrogenation fractionator is planned to be revamped to directly produce -35# low pour point diesel by side line, i.e., a share of diesel components is to be extracted from the hydrogenation fractionator and sent to the newly installed low pour point diesel stripper based on the distillation range cutting experimental data, the gas phase at the top of the stripper will return to the fractionator, low pour point diesel conforming to the -35# National V automobile diesel indicators can be produced from the bottom of the stripper, and the diesel from the bottom of the fractionator can be sold as the blending component for -10# National V automobile diesel.
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Analysis of Factors Affecting Octane Number Loss of Gasoline in S Zorb Unit
Liu Yongcai, Li Jia
2019, 36 (4):  12-15.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.004
Abstract ( 172 )  
According to the change of octane number loss of gasoline in the 900 kt/a S Zorb unit at SINOPEC Qilu Company under different operating conditions since its first start-up, the factors affecting the octane number loss of gasoline are analyzed, including the influences of raw materials, reaction conditions, adsorbent properties and recycling hydrogen purity. Combining with the operation status of the unit, some measures are put forward for further reducing the octane number loss of refined gasoline.
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Investigation of Maldistribution of Gas-solid Flow in Fluidized Bed Reactor of Gas Phase Polyethylene Unit
Li Xiaoxia, Wu Litao
2019, 36 (4):  16-19.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.005
Abstract ( 150 )  
Maldistribution of gas-solid flow strongly affects the stable and safe operation of gas-solid fluidized bed reactor. In this paper, the fluidized reactor of gas phase polyethylene unit is taken as the research subject to identify and regulate the maldistribution of gas-solid flow based on the range and standard deviation of temperature in jet impact zone and stagnant zone above distribution plate. The results show that there is maldistribution of gas-solid flow in the fluidized bed reactor, and the maldistribution of gas-solid flow in the jet impact zone is more serious than that in the stagnant zone. When the condensate content of recycle gas at the inlet of fluidized bed is less than 10 wt%, the maldistribution is improved with the increase in the condensate content. When the condensate content is higher than 10 wt%, the condensate content has no obvious effect on the maldistribution.
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A Comparison between Stripper Process and Debutanizer Process for Hydrocracking Unit
Li Zhengrong
2019, 36 (4):  20-23.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.006
Abstract ( 214 )  
The fractionation process of hydrocracking unit mainly consists of stripper process and debutanizer process. Taking a 1.5 Mt/a hydrocracking unit as an example, this article analyzes the differences between stripper process and debutanizer process, and compares them in aspects of equipment investment, operating cost and product properties through process simulation. The conclusion is that the equipment investment and operating cost of debutanizer process are higher than those of stripper process, but the LPG product properties of debutanizer process are better than those of the stripper process. The contents of C1~C4, H2O and H2S in light naphtha products of debutanizer process are lower than those of stripper process, and the stability of heavy naphtha products of debutanizer process is better than that of stripper process. Refineries can select appropriate processes according to the actual conditions.
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Optimization of Design Scheme for Low Temperature Sulfuric Acid Alkylation Unit
Xu Biao, Jin Lei, Duan Fei, Wang Lianglong
2019, 36 (4):  24-27.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.007
Abstract ( 118 )  
This paper investigates the driving scheme of refrigeration compressor and the heat source scheme of reboiler in sulfuric acid alkylation unit. The results show that the reboiler uses heat conducting oil as heat source. The refinery has excessive low pressure steam in summer, the excessive 1.0 MPa steam is used as the heat source of reboiler, and the insufficient heat is provided by the heat conducting oil system. In winter, there is no surplus low pressure steam in the refinery, so all the heat required by the reboiler is provided by the heat conducting oil system. The refrigeration compressor is driven by motor (with gear box). This design scheme can reduce the energy consumption of alkylation unit and optimize the steam pipe network system and power balance of the refinery
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Practice of Project Life Cycle Risk Management
Zhang Guangning, Zhang Li
2019, 36 (4):  28-32.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.008
Abstract ( 142 )  
In this paper, an overseas EPCC project titled M is taken as an example to discuss the risk management process of project life cycle and the focus of risk management at each stage. Combined with the practical experience of the project, this paper introduces the risk register which is used throughout the whole project risk management process and the Monte Carlo simulation for the quantitative analysis of schedule risk. Based on the qualitative and quantitative risk analysis of M Project during project bidding and execution, a relatively comprehensive project risk management system was established which provides support for project decision-making and can be deemed as organizational process assets accumulated for project management in the future
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Office Automation System Developed Based on Lotus Domino B/S Platform
Wang Chunhui
2019, 36 (4):  33-36.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.009
Abstract ( 150 )  
In recent years, the mobile OA market has continued to grow at a high speed, and Lotus Domino platform has become a mature OA development platform in the market. This platform provides workflow automation functions, document database, email system and many templates, with high safety, reliability and flexibility. Taking Lotus Domino B/S as the development platform, this paper introduces the development background of the mobile OA system of SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation, analyzes the product structure and technical advantages of Lotus Domino B/S platform, discusses in detail the development process and core technology of the mobile OA system, and introduces the implementation effect and the insufficiencies of the OA system
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Analysis and Research on 3 Methods for Supporting the Foundation of Coal Crusher
Luo Yange
2019, 36 (4):  37-43.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.010
Abstract ( 127 )  
With the increase in capacity of petrochemical plant in recent years, there are more and more coal unloading, storage and conveying systems for raw coal and fuel coal, and the processing capacity of crusher is increasing. The crushers selected by the process discipline include reversible hammer type crusher, four teeth roll type crusher, ring hammer type crusher, etc. At present, there are 3 methods for supporting the crusher, i.e. the independent frame foundation that separates the crusher foundation from the main structure, the crusher directly supported by beam-slab structure, and the design of damping between crusher supporting structure and beam-slab structure. These 3 methods for supporting the crusher have their own application scopes and advantages and disadvantages. Relevant specifications and design manuals have different requirements for the three supporting methods. A more reasonable and applicable supporting scheme is to be put forward by modeling, calculating and analyzing the 3 supporting methods using the floor and equipment vibrating program of YJKS and the STAAD.Pro software of Bentley based on actual engineering projects
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Analysis on Design of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Tank
Li Baoqin
2019, 36 (4):  44-46.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.011
Abstract ( 143 )  
Concentrated sulfuric acid is strongly oxidizing, highly corrosive and highly toxic. This paper introduces the design standards applicable for concentrated sulfuric acid tank, analyzes the feasibility of using carbon steel as the material of concentrated sulfuric acid tank body, and proposes some requirements for the structural form of connections located on tank wall and tank roof. The advantages and disadvantages of various tracing forms for concentrated sulfuric acid tank as well as the corresponding safety precautions are discussed, and a reasonable tracing form is proposed. The additional requirements and the criterion of acceptability for nondestructive examination of concentrated sulfuric acid tank storing high toxic medium are defined, and the design of ladder platform for concentrated sulfuric acid tank and the safety considerations during the use of tank are discussed
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Application of Multi-layered Structure in Supercritical CO2 High Pressure Extractor
Wang Zhifu, Li Yongtai, Yao Zuoquan
2019, 36 (4):  47-49.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.012
Abstract ( 119 )  
Supercritical CO2 high pressure extractor is a new type of high-efficiency separation equipment with corrosive medium, high internal pressure and cyclic alternating load, so the working conditions are harsh. To improve this situation, an integral multi-layered structure is adopted for the extractor body, several key points including the material selection of inner cylinder and laminate, the thickness selection of inner cylinder and laminate, the longitudinal and circumferential weld arrangement between inner cylinder and laminate, the gap between inner cylinder and laminate and the gap between laminates are compared and discussed, and the final structural design is determined. The actual operation of equipment indicates that the key points of design are well considered
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Modification of 600 t/h Desalination Plant Using Ion Exchange Resin Method
Li Wei, Gao Chuankui
2019, 36 (4):  50-52.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.013
Abstract ( 103 )  
This paper summarizes the problems occurred in the operation of a 600 t/h desalination plant using ion exchange resin method, such as the vibration of steam condensate main pipe, the shedding of the lining of carbon steel lined plastic pipe and the shedding of the internal anti-corrosion of water storage tank. The reasons for these problems were analyzed, and the corresponding improvement measures were taken to eliminate the hidden dangers in system operation. The original process of the system was optimized, the load of plant was effectively reduced under normal working conditions, and the cooling capacity of the effluent was reused. Through a series of modification measures, the operation stability of the plant was improved and the energy consumption of the plant was reduced
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Discussion on Current Specifications for Periodic Inspection of Industrial Pressure Piping
Liang Chunlei, Hu Mingdong, Yang Xiong, Xu Wanbao, Yan Yanwei
2019, 36 (4):  53-57.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.014
Abstract ( 125 )  
TSG D7005-2018 Periodic Inspection Regulation for Industrial Pressure Piping has been formally implemented since May 1, 2018. Compared with the 2003 version of trial inspection regulation, this specification has obvious changes in inspection period, detection ratio, corrosion thinning rating, pressure test, safety accessory inspection and other aspects. This paper discusses the major content changes in this specification, and sorts out its relations with TSG D0001-2009 Pressure Pipe Safety Technology Supervision Regulation for Industrial Pressure Pipe and TSG 21-2016 Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel. The revision reflects the systematicness and consistency of Chinese special equipment specification system. The current specification has no clear provisions for the pressure test of pipelines subjected to major repair or transformation or reused after deactivation. There are also no relevant provisions for the periodic inspection of pressure piping that reaches the designed service life. It is suggested that relevant studies should be carried out, and relevant specifications should be perfected to ensure the intrinsic safety of pressure piping. It is also suggested that Risk Based Inspection should be adopted for the periodic inspection of overtime serviced pressure piping, and targeted detection means should be adopted for piping with deterioration mechanism over time to effectively reduce operational risks
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Study on Thermodynamic Properties of Cold Cycle of Styrene Pipelines
Zhang Jian, Zhao Guangming, Li Fengqi, Li Ming
2019, 36 (4):  58-63.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.015
Abstract ( 118 )  
This paper establishes a mathematical model for calculating the temperature rise along the styrene pipeline, taking into account the axial and radial heat transfer of the styrene pipeline and the influence of the frictional heat generated by the medium in pipeline on the temperature rise. The characteristics of the axial and radial heat transfer of pipeline are analyzed, the heat transfer calculation methods in different directions are given, and the thermodynamic properties of styrene medium during pipeline transportation under different working conditions are studied. The research results have certain guiding significance for the design and field operation of styrene pipelines in practical projects
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Research on Application of Aerogel Felt in Piping Insulation
Zhou Tianyu, Gao Jiansong, Sun Zhiqin, Li Jiuchong, Zhang Jingfan
2019, 36 (4):  64-66.  DOI: 10.3969 /j.issn.1005-8168.2019.04.016
Abstract ( 139 )  
In recent years, aerogel felt has been widely used in the petrochemical industry as an efficient thermal insulation material. In practical engineering, the composite insulation structure of aerogel felt and traditional insulation material can improve the heat preservation performance, decrease the thickness of insulation layer and ensure the economics of insulation engineering. A series of experiments were designed for the pipe with a nominal diameter of 300 mm and a medium temperature of 400°C to explore the optimum thickness of the aerogel felt insulation layer in the composite insulation structure, and the aerogel felt was compounded with different traditional insulation materials such as aluminum silicate needle blanket and rock wool to compare their insulation properties. This research provides guidance for piping insulation in the petrochemical industry
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