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2024, Vol. 41,No. 1 Published:25 February 2024 Previous    Next

Compilation of Articles of Fire Codes for Special Buildings in Petrochemical Industry

Song Hongtao
2024, 41 (1):  1-3.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.001
Abstract ( 71 )  

Because of subjective and objective factors, the imperfect articles of fire codes for some special buildings in petrochemical industry have led to low design efficiency, disputes during review and difficulties in acceptance check. In 2016, the government started the in-depth reform of the normative system. As the chief compiler of full text of the mandatory national standard Project Code for Refining and Petrochemical Engineering, SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation (SEI) comprehensively sorted out the problems in projects. Benchmarking against the General Code for Fire Protection of Buildings and Constructions, the Company innovatively added building types and key technical measures while meeting the requirements of intrinsic safety. The research on the compilation of this highest-level code not only solved some important normative problems, but also created a better environment for improving other standards at various levels, helping to build a normative system achieving optimal balance between safety and cost for buildings in petrochemical industry.

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Cause Analysis and Measures for Unit Shutdown resulted by Actions of Compressor Anti-surge Valves

Zhang Xide, Liu Jun, Kang Baojian, Qin Xu, Zhong Jibin
2024, 41 (1):  4-10.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.002
Abstract ( 89 )  

The flow rate of raw gas compressor fluctuated greatly, with a fluctuation of 10961.65 Nm3/h, and then the flow rate decreased from 51768.7 Nm3/h to 35768.94 Nm3/h. The compressor anti-surge valve was opened for unloading, resulting in shutdown of the whole unit. When the flow rate fluctuated, the working point on the right side of the anti-surge control line came back and forth 9 times with the same magnitude, the minimum flow rate was 40807.04 Nm3/h, the compressor speed fluctuation was 347.14 r/min, and the flow fluctuation caused by the fault of the unit itself was eliminated. When the flow rate fluctuated, the regulating valve PV2002 valve position and downstream pressure PSI2002 fluctuated synchronously. The valve position fluctuation of regulating valve reached 29.163%, resulting in fluctuations in compressor flow rate. The PID of regulating valve was modified 18 times, the P value was changed from 150 to 28, the system response slowed down, and the control output diverged. At the same time, the pressure of the incoming raw gas fluctuated significantly, leading to a greater fluctuation in the valve position of regulating valve and a greater fluctuation in the downstream flow rate. The PID of regulating valve was changed from automatic mode to manual mode, resulting in a further decrease in the flow rate. The working point came into the surge line, and the anti-surge valve was opened suddenly. The PID parameters of regulating valve were restored. The compressor speed control valve, anti-surge valve and regulating valve PV2002 were statically tested, and the requirements for management and technical measures were proposed. The changes in PID parameters of regulating valve, the fluctuations in raw gas pressure and the changes in state mode of regulating valve are the fundamental causes of compressor unloading and unit shutdown.

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Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Analysis of Steam Reforming for Hydrogen Production

Zhang Jianzheng
2024, 41 (1):  11-15.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.003
Abstract ( 78 )  

This article introduces the reaction principle of steam reforming for hydrogen production and calculates the energy consumption and carbon emissions of a unit currently in operation. Based on the analysis of the carbon emissions and energy consumption reduction of the unit, several energy-saving and carbon reduction methods are proposed. Some suggestions are put forward through comparison for revamping the existing hydrogen plants, in order to achieve the goal of energy conservation and carbon reduction.

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Study on Drying Technology for Ultra-low Dew Point Nitrogen Cylinder

Wu Zhijian, Li Ling
2024, 41 (1):  16-20.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.004
Abstract ( 79 )  

The drying processes for ultra-low dew point nitrogen cylinder includes positive pressure replacement, vacuuming and purging. These processes were compared with each other, and the methods for calculating nitrogen consumption, vacuuming and gas filling time were provided. It was determined to use a combination of replacement, vacuuming and hot nitrogen purging to control the water content of nitrogen in the cylinder. It was verified through on-the-spot test that the dew point of nitrogen in the cylinder can meet the requirements of technical indexes.

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Study on Distribution Characteristics of Fluids in Furnace Tubes of Reforming Reaction Feed Heating Furnaces by Fluent Software

Jia Yuchuan
2024, 41 (1):  21-24.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01-0053.012
Abstract ( 89 )  

 To achieve the uniform distribution of fluids in furnace tubes of reaction feed heating furnaces of CCR units, this paper uses fluent software to simulate the fluids in furnace tubes of reaction feed heating furnaces. The characteristics of ∩ furnace tubes and furnace tubes in terms of flow distribution and pressure loss are obtained, and the distribution of fluids in furnace tubes under different number of furnace tubes are compared. The recommended range of the ratio of the sectional area of manifold to the total sectional area of branches is obtained, providing reference for the subsequent engineering design.

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Discussion on Relief Scheme of Safety Valve of Electric Desalter in CDU/VDU and the Determination of Set Pressure

Dang Yu, Chang Xingwen, Zhang Chuxin, Liu Tonghua, Zhang Zezhong, Song Leiming
2024, 41 (1):  25-29.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024-01-006
Abstract ( 75 )  

The traditional installation position of safety valve of electric desalter in CDU/VDU usually cannot meet the requirements of safe discharge. The optimized installation position is the platform or framework close to flash tower or the flash section of primary tower. Under accident conditions, the medium discharged from safety valve is directly sent to the flash tower or primary tower, so that the gravity flow discharge from the outlet piping of safety valve will not be affected by the pocket in pipe or the low position of the safety valve itself. Due to the long distance between the safety valve and the electric desalter, the requirement in API 520 that the pressure drop in the inlet piping of safety valve shall be less than 3% of the set pressure of safety valve cannot be met. Therefore, the set pressure of safety valve cannot be directly equivalent to the design pressure of electric desalter under this condition, and the static pressure difference and flow resistance drop between the outlet of electric desalter and the inlet of safety valve need to be deducted. This article uses the Safety Analysis module of Aspen Plus to input the key information such as the number and specification of valves, pipe sections and pipe fittings between the outlet of electric desalter and the inlet of safety valve combined with 3D model, so as to accurately simulate the flow resistance drop and calculate the static pressure difference between the outlet of desalter and the inlet of safety valve, providing a theoretical basis for determining the set pressure of safety valve.

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Microwave Detection of Molecular Chain Structure in Butt Fusion Joints of Polyethylene Pipelines

Niu Xiaochi, Che Fei
2024, 41 (1):  30-31.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.007
Abstract ( 64 )  

The high polymer structure of polyethylene materials and the welding process of butt fusion joints determine that the cause of welding defects is the abnormality of molecular structure. In this article, microwave non-destructive testing and result analysis are performed for butt fusion joints, the dielectric characteristic values of defect locations in butt fusion joints are obtained, and destructive tests and fracture scanning electron microscopy analysis are carried out for the defects. Through the microwave non-destructive testing and the macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the fracture surface, it is determined that the mechanism of cold welding defects in butt fusion joints is the absence of molecular long chain structures. Clarifying the types and mechanisms of defects in butt fusion joints helps to carry out effective non-destructive testing and ensure the welding quality of butt fusion joints, providing scientific basis for the safe use of polyethylene pipelines.

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Application of Typical Additives in Styrene Plants

Guo Xiaoyuan
2024, 41 (1):  32-36.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.008
Abstract ( 65 )  

Petrochemical production plants are usually operated under high temperature, high pressure, vacuum and other harsh conditions. In actual production, in addition to the strict requirements for processes, the additives needed by the plants are also an indispensable and important part. This article takes a styrene plant by ethylbenzene dehydrogenation as an example to introduce the use of typical additives in the styrene plant. Various adverse factors that may occur during production are avoided to reduce risks such as polymerization and corrosion, thus ensuring the long-term stable operation of the plant and avoiding unplanned shutdowns.

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Influence of C4 Alkyne Selective Hydrogenation Unit on Extraction Column in Butadiene Extraction Unit

Geng Qiang, Ma Liguo, Chen Gang
2024, 41 (1):  37-40.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.009
Abstract ( 63 )  

Selective hydrogenation unit converts C4 alkynes into high-value butadiene, which improves the economic efficiency of the unit while treating the dangerous alkynes. However, the return of hydrogenated C4 alkynes to butadiene extraction unit may increase the load of the butadiene extraction unit, especially the load of the first extraction column. In this paper, the influence of newly installed C4 alkyne selective hydrogenation unit on the load of extraction columns in butadiene extraction unit are analyzed. The results show that the hydrogenated C4 mainly consists of C4 monoolefins and alkanes, and the content of diolefin and C4 alkyne is low, leading to different trends in the increase of gas load and liquid load in the first extraction column. The gas load in the rectification section of the first extraction column increases significantly, especially in the 41st to 47th trays above the C4 feed tray near the flooding line, while the increase in liquid load is limited. The newly installed C4 alkyne selective hydrogenation unit has a negligible effect on the load of the second extraction column.

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Experiences in Static Equipment Design of a Petrochemical EPC Project

Li Junru, Zhuang Peihong
2024, 41 (1):  41-44.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.010
Abstract ( 76 )  

 Petrochemical EPC projects need the design to play a more leading role in order to achieve the quality, schedule and efficiency of the projects. The investment and quantity of static equipment account for a relatively large proportion in petrochemical projects, and the design of static equipment is crucial. Taking a project as an example, this paper introduces the experience of static equipment engineers in design and in cooperation with procurement and construction, mainly including the response to the customer's technical specifications, the design of large tower and the supply division, the coordination of design, procurement and construction of storage tanks built on the spot, the assistance in procurement, the cooperation with manufacturers, and the assistance in solving the problems emerged during installation.

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Optimization of Safety Valve Calculation for Horizontal Vessels with Elliptical Heads under Fire Conditions

Fu Rui

Fu Rui
2024, 41 (1):  45-49.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.011
Abstract ( 73 )  

In calculating the external fire discharge capacity of pressure vessel safety valves, the calculation of the wetting area of horizontal vessels with elliptical heads still lacks a simple and accurate calculation formula. Since the petrochemical industry mostly uses 2:1 elliptical head, in order to calculate its wetting area more accurately, it is necessary to find a method that can easily calculate the surface area of 2:1 ellipsoidal crown. In this paper, the results obtained by mathematical methods and data fitting combined with the program approximation calculation method are verified, and a more suitable calculation formula is obtained to optimize the design of safety valves of horizontal vessels with elliptical heads under fire conditions.

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Thinking and Exploration of Petrochemical Smart Plant Design

Li Lei, Li Rui, Gao Xueying
2024, 41 (1):  50-54.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.012
Abstract ( 67 )  

This article conducts a survey on the construction of petrochemical smart plants at home and abroad, analyzes the problems in the construction of smart plants in China, and innovatively proposes a new design mode for smart plants that integrates the intelligent operation needs into engineering design. Each discipline can carry out smart plant design from the aspects of comprehensive perception, process optimization, automated control and unmanned operation according to the grading requirements of smart plant construction. The aim is to create excellent genes for smart plants from the design source. The digital delivery of the results of engineering design phase to the plant operation phase will achieve the lowest cost and highest efficiency construction mode for the whole lifecycle of smart plants.

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Review of Research Progress in New Building Materials and Components in the Field of Civil Engineering

Fan Guangzhou
2024, 41 (1):  55-59.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.013
Abstract ( 85 )  

The development of high-performance building materials or components is summarized, and the attempts to use them reasonably in refinery construction have positive significance for improving the efficiency of refinery space utilization. Based on the existing researches, typical new building materials and structural members in the construction industry are summarized from the aspects of related components, advantages, disadvantages and application scenarios, so as to provide reference for structural design in the petrochemical industry. At present, the utilization of new building materials or components in the petrochemical industry is still in its early stage. If selected and utilized reasonably, it will greatly improve the engineering benefit and even increase the feasibility of the project.

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Enterprise Data Security Governance and Construction of Technology Protection Platform

Kang Xiaolong
2024, 41 (1):  60-64.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8168.2024.01.014
Abstract ( 81 )  

This article analyzes the connotation of the concept of data security governance, proposes a design framework for enterprise data security governance system, and focuses on analyzing the construction of a technology protection platform from aspects such as data asset management, data encryption management, data de-identification, data detection response and data audit traceability, aiming to provide guidance and reference for relevant businesses to carry out data security governance and build a data security technology protection platform.

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