石油化工设计 ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 1-5.

• 设计技术 •    下一篇



  1. 1.中国石油化工集团有限公司工程部  北京  100728

    2.中国石化工程建设有限公司   北京  100101

  • 出版日期:2024-11-15 发布日期:2024-11-07


Shen Faxiang1, Shi Hengtong2   

  1. 1. Engineering Department of China Petrochemical Corporation, Beijing, 100728;  2. SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation, Beijing, 100101
  • Online:2024-11-15 Published:2024-11-07

摘要: 某大型储罐工程项目原始场地为吹填而成,浅层吹填砂严重液化,下层为欠固结淤泥质黏土软弱土层。整个场地需先进行预处理,以降低或消除液化和欠固结土。根据土层特性,本工程场地地基采用排水固结法进行处理,场地先插排水板,综合考虑工期及费用因素,不同区域分别采用强夯、堆载、振冲挤密砂桩等方案。场地预处理有效降低了液化和欠固结土的不利影响,根据场地预处理效果及详勘情况,本工程可采用钻孔灌注桩或预制桩的方案。根据试桩情况对桩型进行了优化,采用管桩大大节省了投资和工期。

关键词: 排水固结 , 堆载预压 , 强夯 , 振冲挤密砂桩 , 管桩

Abstract:  The original site of a large storage tank project was formed by hydraulic filling. The shallow hydraulic fill sand was severely liquefied, and the lower layer was a soft soil layer of underconsolidated muddy clay. The entire site needed to be pretreated to reduce or eliminate liquefaction and underconsolidated soil. According to the characteristics of the soil layer, the foundation of the project site was treated using drainage consolidation method. Drainage boards were inserted into the site first. Taking into account the factors of construction period and cost, different areas were treated with dynamic compaction, preloading, and vibration sand compaction pile schemes, respectively. The pre-treatment of the site effectively reduced the adverse effects of liquefaction and underconsolidated soil. Based on the pre-treatment effect of the site and the detailed survey, this project can adopt the scheme of drilled cast-in-place pile or prefabricated pile. The pile type was optimized based on the test pile situation, and the use of pipe pile greatly saved the investment and the construction period.

Key words: drainage consolidation, preloading; dynamic compaction, vibration sand compaction pile, pipe pile